Category: Guides

  • Global Ingress to Local Kubernetes

    Running a local Kubernetes cluster is a great way to save money using your own hardware, but how can we safely expose these services to the Internet? If we are using a residential service, we also have to take into account dynamic IP addresses, bad actors, and ISP rules on hosting. By using a globally-accessible…

  • Deploying the Kubernetes K3s Stack

    As with everyone starting out with containerizing every app possible, Docker Compose is frequently used when setting up a structured deployment with multiple components. I have used Compose for a few years now (after migrating from docker run commands), however, with my day-to-day work in Kubernetes it made no sense to continue learning and developing…

  • Building a 10Gb Capable OPNsense Machine

    For better network observability and security it’s a great idea to run a professional/enterprise firewall that can greatly expand the capabilities of your network beyond the functionality of router/modems supplied by your ISP. Components Buying a prebuilt appliance can get you up and running quickly with manufacturer support, however, 10Gb capable machines can run many…

  • Home Server Build 2023

    As with everything this year, my cloud costs have been ever increasing to the point where building a locally hosted instance was becoming more attractive. I have been renting a dedicated Hetzner server for over six years at this point, which runs all my containerized self-hosted apps, stores personal data and backups, and is my…